Featured Products
Some of your exclusive featured products which makes us unique.

The Bosch Dicentis wireless system is the latest product the company has acquired for the conference market. Its a complete wireless system with a display on the front. The display is to either show the name of the speakers or the event logo. A full charge of battery could last 24 hours. The dicentis system has been very useful for us in the past few events when clients want a fast set up and a clean one.

The Wireless Up Lighters have been very often used in the event industry. Its compact and presentable for the most elegant venues. Each charge could last a good 8 hours. These lights can function on its own and could also be controlled via wireless dmx.
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The Winch System is use to create a synchronised effect in the air. Used generally with any kind of products that is within the weight of 4 kg. It could also be controlled using led lights on each of the winch system.
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The Bose L1 speakers has always been our clients favourite. Due to its compact size and the clarity clients whose event are in a boutique size venue always opt for the L1 speakers

The K Array speakers are usually used when the venue is bigger and our client expects a more powerful output with the necessary impact during a launch or due to loud music being played. These K Array speakers takes away the norm of using speaker stands with wide legs as a result gives a classy feel to their event

The D&B speakers is our flagship of speakers that we use for our events. most engineers would not have a problem when a D&B system is being placed in a concert or a event. The wide frequency range that the D&B speakers could cover is usually the reason why speakers in the D&B family is being used.

For clients who wants HD clarity from close proximity and yet not too harsh on the eyes we use our very own 47" Video Wall. They come in various configuration according to our clients requirement.

For the best quality of Low Fog with no compromising, we use the MDG ice fog "Q". Runs on liquid CO 2 and the output of low fog is in its purest white that no other machines come anywhere near this effect.
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In Stage 4 Av all our truss & array speaker stands are by VMB. They are very resistant to outdoor usage and straight forward in the setting up process which saves us time during events where finishing on time is a crucial need.
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